Jumat, 08 Juni 2018

Kiai Muzakki [a story of the deputy regent to be regent of Trenggalek

One day the deputy regent of Trenggalek city came to Kiai Muzakki. Whe Kiai Muzakki Shook hands with the deputy regent, Kiai Muzakki Said,”Regent-Regent”.

When the deputy regent went home from Kiai Muzakki, on the road, he asked the person who invited him to go to Kiai Muzakki. “You know, I am the deputy of regent, aren’t I? but why, Kiai said that I am the regent”.  Then His friend answered, “say Aminnn, maybe, next time you will be a regent of trenggalek,”

And now in the reality, he became the regent of trenggalek, because the regent before, now to be governor in east Java.
